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Booking Form

Timothy Institute, Children's fest new theme 'C Life' unveils the unbroken relationship of Jesus with his inner circle. The cordial value of new relationship with Christ as their master formulated a new life style in the lives of the disciples. This Christo-centric theme of CF opens a new horizon of life with Jesus and invites all of us to live out a life with eternity in focus. Moreover new theme of 'C Life' empowers us to witness Christ in the context of pluralism.

CF new theme begins with the story of Jesus forerunner John the Baptist. 'C life' progress through the lives of Jesus close circle of apostles and prominent New Testament figure Paul the apostle. This syllabus high lights the Christian virtues that can bring new dimensions and meaning to today's post modern generation. In a world of broken relationship Ti new theme brings the message of oneness, joy of relationship with Christ possible through Christ experience.

Key Features :

  • A Christ centric theme with a call to follow him
  • C Life through the lens of the disciples
  • Godly truths to face the realities of life
  • Challenges kids to be witnesses of Jesus
  • The beauty of Jesus revealed through gospel stories

Instructions for Booking
Kindly read all the instruction before you register:

  1. You will be eligible for 50% discount if registration done on or before 28 February 2019
  2. Ones your online registration is complete, you will receive a conformation e-mail/SMS within a day
  3. Our volunteers will get in touch with you for further details
  4. For any further clarification, kindly contact us



Mr.Arun : +919656219709
Mrs.Aksa : +919745647909

Booking Form

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