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Join In The Move

Organize an Event

Create an opportunity to meet a group by organizing a program.

Work as a Volunteer

Harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. Join with us as a volunteer in our Kids Church, School Missions, Kids and Teens Camps and clubs, Children’s Fests etc. Our trainings will equip you to be more fruitful in these areas.

Support a child Evangelist

Our missionaries are being God’s hands to care for children in the field. They need your supporting hands. If you are interested to support them financially (once awhile or monthly)

Help us to make it happen

School Missions, Children’s Fests, Training Camps, 4-14 meets etc., are influencing the children and the society in heights. So can you donate with what you can to reach them with the love of Christ?

Pray and Uphold

Your generosity can change the live for eternity. Pray for various needs and missions of Timothy Institute.
