The theme for this year revolves around life, often locked behind numerous misconceptions and misunderstandings. Human existence is designed to be lived with love, passion, care, and concern towards God and fellow beings. Jesus, our Savior, came to rescue each of us, encouraging us to enter through Him as the door. Embracing a new life through Jesus provides a fresh perspective on life and a deeper understanding.
This theme emphasizes that our children should take steps to unlock and progress towards salvation, recognizing it as their inheritance. The message for children is to live for Jesus and to serve Him in their future lives, characterized by green pastures. This concept is connected to the shepherd and sheep metaphor, symbolizing the life we share with Jesus.
But what does this "UNLOCK" mean?
"Unlocking" signifies experiencing a new life with a better understanding of God. It is a life we enter willingly and wholeheartedly, offering new perspectives, hope, and faith to lead a life with Jesus. The first step to unlock always comes from our side. As we express interest and willingness, Lord Jesus assists us in unlocking our hearts, minds, and actions.
In our surroundings, there are many visible and invisible doors. Those in the dark may struggle to find these doors. Jesus declares, "I am the door," and, as the light, guides us to Him, the door.
One memorable Bible Theme reinforced throughout each day—makes it easy to apply long after Children’s Fest is over.
Helping kids to continue exploring the Bible message with the help of object lessons.
Memorizing Bible Verse each day – makes it easy to apply long after the children’s Fest is over.
Solidifies life-changing Bible truths and will have kids and adults singing about God year-round.
Brings Missionary stories to the children to challenge and to inspire their lives, through showing was it possible.
Brings Biblical Truth to life with interactive activities that reinforce the daily Bible message.
Materials are also available in English, Hindi, Marati, Odiya, Telugu & Tamil
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